Howdy and Hola!

Welcome to Dach Comics(or Dash Comics as I pronounce it!), an comic imprint for cool and interesting stories created by the little guy(s)! You know, the indie creator(s) that have a story to tell, an artistic vision and the NEED(drive) to see it through.

You probably thought I was referring to Dachshunds, after all it’s the imprint name and logo mascot! No I am referring to the novice creator and/or underdog! Dachshunds however are awesome, tough little dudes that I LOVE!

Take a look around and add yourself to the mailing list to get updates as series and issues become available!

So what kind of comics are going to be made?

There’s a whole bunch of stories to tell, but specifically the focus will be on mature content aimed at 16 years +.

The genres will span from horror, fantasy, action and drama!